antonio mirabile


This paper can be quoted as:  A. Mirabile, S. Brunetti, Compte rendu du colloque Nano Systèmes : recherches et applications su le patrimoine culturel, La Venaria Reale, Turin, Italie, 11-12 mai 2017, Support Tracé, n° 17, p. 184-186, 2017

publication (.pdf)
tags : nanotechnology nanorestart nanoscience publication


This paper can be quoted as: D. Saviello, M. Trabace, A. Alyamia, A. Mirabile, R. Giorgi, P. Baglioni, D. Iacopino, A combined Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS)/UV–vis approach for the investigation of dye content in commercial felt tip pens inks, Talanta 181 (2018) 448-453

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen dyes contemporary art publication raman sers


E-newsletters number 1 to 4

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tags : e-newsletter


To quote this article: S. Stoisa, S. Vasquez, O. Chiantore, F. Comisso, A. PIccirillo, A. MIrabile, T. Poli, F. Zenucchini, Il recupero della leggibilità di tre opere di Matheus Rocha Pitta in cemento armato e carta di giornale, papers of the IGIIC's conference, Lo Sato Dell’Arte 15. 12/14 October 2017, UNIBA, Bari, p. 515-522, Nardini Editore, Florence, Italy, 2017

publication (.pdf)
tags : restoration contemporary art laser


A. Alyami, D. Saviello, M.A.P. McAuliffe, A. MIrabile, L.Lewis and D. Iacopino, Metal nanoinks as chemically stable surface enhanced scattering (SERS) probes for the analysis of blue BIC ballpoint pens, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, p. 14652--14658

publication (.pdf)
tags : nanotechnology nanorestart ball-point pen sers


To quote this article: A. Alyami, D. Saviello, M.l A.P. McAuliffe, R. Cucciniello , A. Mirabile, A. Proto, L; Lewis, D. Iacopino, Chemically Stable Au Nanorods as Probes for Sensitive Surface Enhanced Scattering (SERS) Analysis of Blue BIC Ballpoint Pens, Nanoinnovation 2016, AIP Conf. Proc. 1873, 020003-1–020003-9; doi: 10.1063/1.4997132 Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1553-9, 020003-1 - 020003-9

publication (.pdf)
tags : nanotechnology research-study nanorestart ball-point pen contemporary art sers


To quote this article: M. Trabace, A. Mirabile, L. Montalbano, R. Giorgi, P. Ferrari, An innovative method to remove pressure sensitive tape from contemporary felt-tip pen and ball-point pen drawings on paper. The case studies of Federico Fellini from Rimini film Library, XXXIII° Convegno Internazionale Scienza e Beni Culturali, Bressanone, 27-30 June 2017

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen nanotechnology gel ball-point pen pressure sensitive tape


To quote this paper: D. Saviello, M. Trabace, L. Montalbano, A. Mirabile, R. Giorgi, P. Baglioni, D. Iacopino, Use of Metal Nanoinks for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Investigation of Dyes in Felt-tip Pens, Technart, Bilbao, May 2-6 2017

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen dyes nanotechnology sers


To quote this paper: G. Germinario, S. Garrappa, I.D. van der Werf, A. MIrabile, L. Sabbatini, Modern inks: investigation on felt-tip pens, Technart, Bilbao, May 2-6 2017

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen nanotechnology ftir sers Py-GC/MS


To quote this paper : G. Poggi, R. Giorgi, A. Mirabile, H. Xing, P. Baglioni, A stabilizer-free non-polar dispersion for the deacidification of contemporary art on paper, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26, 2017, p. 44-52, Elsevier Masson France

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing nanotechnology deacidification contemporary art


To quote this article : S. Garrappa, G. Germinario, I.D. van der Werf, A. Mirabile, L. Sabbatini, Multi-analytical study of artist felt-tip pen ink,  Proceedings of the Conference IMEKO, Torino, Italy,  19-21 October 2016, pp. 136-139

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen contemporary art raman var-ftir Py-GC/MS


To quote this paper : A. Mirabile, Il disegno di architettura su lucido: L'esperienza al Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou a Parigi, Proceedings of the Conference: Carte lucide e carte trasparenti nella pratica artistica tra otto e novecento: uso, conservazione e restauro, Tortona, 3-4 September 2014, p. 149-160

publication (.pdf)
tags : tracing paper centre pompidou mnam-cci publication architecture drawing


To quote this paper : A. Mirabile, Constesti storici, fabbricazione, e degrado delle carte da lucido, Proceedings of the Conference: Carte lucide e carte trasparenti nella pratica artistica tra otto e novecento: uso, conservazione e restauro, Tortona, 3-4 September 2014, p. 27-42

publication (.pdf)
tags : tracing paper publication architecture drawing


To quote this paper: G. Germinario, I.D. van der Werf, A. Mirabile, P. Moretti, C. Miliani, L. Sabbatini, Pyrolysis-GC/MS of modern inks:the felt-tip pens used by Lina Bo Bardi,  Proceedings of the Confernce of the: Divisione di Chimica Analitica della Società Chimica Italiana, Trieste, 13-17 September 2015, p. 210, Poster 24

publication (.pdf)
tags : felt-tip pen contemporary art publication architecture drawing raman Py-GC/MS


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, P. Moretti, F. Presciutti, N. Mancinelli, L. Cartechini, A. Sgamellotti, C. Miliani, Diagnosis of modern tracing papers and felt-tip pen inks for the conservation of architecture drawings: Lina Bo Bardi’s materials, TECHNART, Catania, Italy, April 27-30 2015, Poster 15


publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing felt-tip pen dyes publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, P. Moretti, F. Presciutti, The Elusive and Transitory Materials in Contemporary Drawings, Science and Art, The Painted Surface, p. 566-583, Royal Society of Chemistry, London, United Kingdom, 2014

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing dyes collage publication wax heated lemon juice raman ftir sers nmr


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, P. Moretti, F. Presciutti, C. Miliani, A. Sgamellotti, Manjary, collage polimaterico di Beatriz Milhazes : identificazione dei materiali e conservazione, Proceedings of the IGIIC Conference, Lo Sato Dell’Arte 12, 2014, p. 87-93, Nardini Editore, Florence, Italy

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing dyes restoration collage publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, Arte contemporânea na reserva técnica, Proceedings of the conference Transmuseu 2013, MaM de San Paulo, Brazil, 2013, online publication:

publication (.pdf)
tags : preventive conservation storage contemporary art publication


Pour un plan patrimoine culturel et risques majeurs, Schéma directeur, Comité Français du Bouclier Bleu, Paris, France, 2013.

publication (.pdf)
tags : preventive conservation publication blue shield


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, La conservation-restauration du dessin contemporain : éléments de réponse, Catalogue of the exhibition “Donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain, dessins contemporains”, p. 30-35, Editions du Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, 2013.

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing fondation guerlain centre pompidou contemporary art publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, Il disegno contemporaneo visto attraverso il prisma delle tecniche artistiche e delle problematiche di conservazione, Proceedings of the Conference Cosa Cambia: Teorie e pratiche del restauro dell’arte contemporanea, p. 215-222, Skira editore, Milan, Italy, 2013

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing fondation guerlain centre pompidou contemporary art publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, Contemporary Drawing Seen Trough the Prism of Artistic Techniques and Conservation Problems, Proceeings of the Conference Cosa Cambia: Teorie e pratiche del restauro dell’arte contemporanea, p. 215-222, Skira editore, Milan, Italy, 2013.

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing fondation guerlain centre pompidou contemporary art publication


To quote this article: A. Del Bianco, P. Mazzoli, A. Mirabile, Il disegno contemporaneo senza cornice: Le problematiche conservative dei disegni su carta impregnata di cera di Sandra Vasquez de la Horra, soluzioni per un adeguato montaggio in sede espositive ed in fase di stoccaggio, Actes du colloque de l’IGIIC, Lo Sato Dell’Arte 10. November 2012, p. 77-85, Nardini Editore, Florence, Italy

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing storage mounting contemporary art publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, Preservation of paper-based documents, The treasury of oriental manuscripts : Abu Rayan Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, p. 123-141, UNESCO, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2012

publication (.pdf)
tags : unesco publication manuscripts in arabic writing


TO quote this article: A. Mirabile, Preservation of the manuscript collection, The treasury of oriental manuscripts : Abu Rayan Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, p. 142-149, UNESCO, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2012.

publication (.pdf)
tags : restoration unesco publication manuscripts in arabic writing


To quote this publication: A. Mirabile, From Acquisition to Exhibition Handbook on Policies and Procedures. Principle, recommendations and guidance for : Acquisition, Storage, Conservation and Communication, UNESCO, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2012

publication (.pdf)
tags : preventive conservation unesco publication


To quote this article: H. Daniel, A. Mirabile, Définir et conserver le dessin contemporain : technique et support en question, Support Tracé, n° 10, p. 4-11, 2010.

publication (.pdf)
tags : contemporary drawing centre pompidou contemporary art publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, W. Wei, La misura della rugosità e della topografia della carta come metodo per distinguere le arti grafiche a tiratura multipla, Proceedings of the IGIIC Conference Lo Sato Dell’Arte 8. Septembre 2010, p. 73-80, Nardini Editore, Florence, Italy

publication (.pdf)
tags : fingartprint publication roughness topography


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, A reserva técnica também é museu, Boletim da ABRACOR de juin 2010, pp. 4-9, Brazil.

publication (.pdf)
tags : preventive conservation storage publication


To quote this article: A. Mirabile, La restauration du transparent, Catalogue of the exhibition “Les quatre saisons de Carmontelle. Divertissement et illusions au siècle des Lumières”, p. 34-41, Somogy, Paris, France, 2008.

publication (.pdf)
tags : tracing paper restoration large size publication


To quote this publication: A. Mirabile, Conservation et manipulation de manuscrits, Series: Protection of Cultural Heritage, Vol. 2., UNESCO, 2006.

publication (.pdf)
tags : preventive conservation unesco publication manuscripts in arabic writing


To quote this article: C. Benoit, G. Lagardère, A. Mirabile, Les quatre saisons de Carmontelle Restauration d’un transparent du musée de I’Île de France à Sceaux, Techné, n° 22, p. 70-73, RMN-GP, Paris, France, 2005.

publication (.pdf)
tags : tracing paper restoration large size publication